BP 405 T.PHARMACOGNOSY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY I (Theory)                        45 Hours

Scope: The subject involves the fundamentals of Pharmacognosy like scope, classification of crude drugs, their identification and evaluation, phytochemicals present in them and their medicinal properties.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able:
1. to know the techniques in the cultivation and production of crude drugs.
2. to know the crude drugs, their uses and chemical nature.
3. know the evaluation techniques for the herbal drugs.
4. to carry out the microscopic and morphological evaluation of crude drugs.

Course Content:
UNIT-I                                                                                                                                       10 Hours
Introduction to Pharmacognosy:
(a) Definition, history, scope and development of Pharmacognosy.
(b) Sources of Drugs – Plants, Animals, Marine & Tissue culture.
(c) Organized drugs, unorganized drugs (dried latex, dried juices, dried extracts, gums and mucilages, oleoresins and oleo- gum -resins).
Classification of drugs:
Alphabetical, morphological, taxonomical, chemical, pharmacological, chemo and serotaxonomical classification of drugs.
Quality control of Drugs of Natural Origin:
Adulteration of drugs of natural origin. Evaluation by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods and properties.
Quantitative microscopy of crude drugs including lycopodium spore method, leafconstants, camera lucida and diagrams of microscopic objects to scale with camera lucida.
UNIT-II                                                                                                                                     10 Hours
Cultivation, Collection, Processing and storage of drugs of natural origin:
Cultivation and Collection of drugs of natural origin.
Factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants.
Plant hormones and their applications.
Polyploidy, mutation and hybridization with reference to medicinal plants.
Conservation of medicinal plants.
UNIT-III                                                                                                                                   07 Hours
Plant tissue culture:
Historical development of plant tissue culture, types of cultures, Nutritional requirements, growth and their maintenance.
Applications of plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy.
Edible vaccines


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